Perth Hand Surgeon
Dr Lewis Blennerhassett is a leading Perth hand surgeon and has more than 25 years experience in a wide range of repair, reconstructive and trauma hand surgeries.
He has trained extensively in hand surgery, including working closely with renown complex hand surgery expert Dr Joseph Upton, who is a clinical professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School and author of 250 articles and 60 book chapters on hand surgery. |
Dr Lewis Blennerhassett - Perth Hand Surgeon
A hand surgeon for both adults and children, his hand surgery patients have ranged in age from a newborn baby to those in their late 90s and he has performed hand surgery in the bulk of Perth’s major public and private teaching hospitals.
He has a busy private hand surgery clinic and is also currently working twice a week at Perth Children’s Hospital as a hand and reconstructive surgeon to assist children in need. In recent years, he has surgically created functional new thumbs for more than 100 WA children born without thumbs. Highly experienced and a great communicator, Dr Blennerhassett continues to teach hand surgery to other surgeons. Committed to maintaining high quality care and safety in hand surgery, he has also been actively involved across the country in examining other surgeons and inspecting hospitals. Perth hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett personally oversees your care from your first consultation through to full recovery. At your first visit, he will listen to your needs, discuss your requirements, concerns and risks, and an operative plan will be formulated specifically for you. |
During the recovery period, Dr Blennerhassett will be contactable to answer your questions. His mobile number will be provided to you during pre-surgery consultation.
All dressings changes are carried out by his highly experienced nurses and his practice staff are friendly and supportive. An on-site experienced hand therapist assists with pre-operative and post-operative management, including splinting and exercise mobilisation techniques to help regain maximum function. *Hand therapy may be required after all hand surgery and will be at an additional cost. |
Dr Blennerhassett underwent extensive specialist training and has obtained the FRACS qualification, as well as a postgraduate fellowship in hand surgery and microsurgery administered through Harvard Medical School, Boston USA.
Hand Surgeries by Dr Blennerhassett
Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Surgical lengthening or release of the flexor retinaculum in the palm of the hand to take the pressure off the Median nerve and relieve numbness, tingling and ache. Performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett
Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy Surgery
Removal of diseased tissue from beneath the skin and the correction of joint contractures. These may have caused fingers to bend. Performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett
Ganglion Surgery
Removal of fluid or synovial fluid-filled sacs that can cause pain or for cosmetic reasons. Performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett
Reconstructive Hand Surgery
Surgery to restore function or improve appearance of the hand after injury, disease or due to abnormalities at birth. Performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett
Children’s Hand Disorder Surgery
Management and surgical repair of hand disorders and injuries in babies, children and teenagers. We have a dedicated paediatric anaesthetist for surgical procedures. Performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett
Congenital Hand Anomaly Surgery
Reconstructive surgery on anomalies present at birth. The most common are polydactyly (additional digits), syndactyly (webbed or conjoint digits), hypoplasia (small or absent digits or limbs). Performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett
Hand Injury Surgeries
Management and surgical repair of acute injuries, sports injuries and workplace injuries - lacerations or fractures. Performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett
Tendon Surgery
Surgical repair of tendons damaged by injury, sports, bites, cuts or due to rheumatoid arthritis. Performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett
Surgical Thumb Creation
Known as pollicisation, it is the surgical creation of a thumb from a finger, usually the index finger. More than 100 performed by hand surgeon Dr Lewis Blennerhassett.
*Follow Dr Lewis Blennerhassett on Instagram - @perthhandsurgeon