Our Care
High quality aftercare
Dr Blennerhassett prides himself on his high quality aftercare, which is overseen personally by him with the assistance of our highly experienced practice nurse Lisa.
Lisa attends to post-op wound care and dressings; advises patients post-operatively regarding their recovery and medication; visits patients in hospital after any of the major surgeries; is available for any concerns or queries regarding post-op management.
Lisa joined us in 2005 and has more than 25 years experience as a registered nurse, including working in WA's big public hospitals and emergency departments.
All of your post-op aftercare is covered in your surgical fee, you do not have to pay extra for this. This includes the removal of sutures, changing of dressings etc. and advice on wound care and recovery.
If you have a new problem, a new referral is necessary. This is a Medicare requirement.
Post-op problems
If anything is concerning you (eg increased pain or excessive bleeding) you must get in touch with Dr Blennerhassett. If it is during business hours, please call the rooms on 9381 6977. If it is out of business hours or at the weekend, please call his mobile number, which is on all our paperwork. Your call will go to message bank, so please leave your name and details and he will phone you back.
Where does follow-up care take place?
Once discharged from hospital, all follow-up care is carried out by Dr Blennerhassett and specialist nursing staff in the rooms in Subiaco.
Will I get a final check-up?
A long-term follow-up appointment is usually scheduled several months post-surgery to enable a final check on your recovery.